September 2019 Monthly Update

By Nola Stowe

September was our second month with this round of projects, check out their monthly update!

Shadow CLJS

September 1-15

Sept 16-30


September 1-15

The work for the first half of September saw several improvements to ergonomics, documentation, code generation, and the official release of the epsilon branch of the project.

September 16-30

The weeks between the 16 and the 30th saw some pretty amazing improvements, particularly to the performance of the pattern matcher.


September 1 - 15 Theme: Project Maintainability - through quality


Continuous Integration

This is a total bliss, I tell ya.

Jack-in and Connect


September 16 - 30 Theme: Project Maintainability - through reinforcements

A Growing Team

I have the pleasure to announce that Christian Fehse has accepted to join the Calva Team. Christian showed with his many PRs, that he understands the Calva project and that he cares about that it is a maintainable project.

More PRs

My work has shifted focus a bit the latest period. I have committed less code myself, as the PRs poured in and I instead try to help with getting that work integrated. It’s pretty good, Calva improves much faster this way.

Things done From the CHANGELOG

New features in bold:

Not showing in the CHANGELOG


September 1-15

September 16-30