Q3 2021 Survey Results

By Daniel Compton

Clojurists Together is starting our next funding round for Q3 2021. Applications are open until the 6th of August. Apply today!

We’ve recently announced some large changes to how we run the program. You can read the announcement for the full details, but briefly, there will now be three types of funding:

Another change is that fellowship recipients can delay starting for up to two months. This will give them more flexibility in when they start working on the project and make it more available to people who can’t easily take time out of their daily life to work on their open source projects.

We’re still finalising our funding but our current plan is to fund:

We would like to fund 6 developers for long-term fellowships instead of 3. However to do so we’ll need new developer and company members to help support this. If you’re a company that relies on Clojure, please consider joining Clojurists Together.

Survey Responses

As part of our recent changes, we surveyed our developer and company members to find out what they wanted us to focus on:

What areas of Clojure would you like to see improvement in?

The main things our members were interested in:

If you work on any of these kinds of projects, please look at applying for funding.

Are there any particular libraries, tools, or projects that are important to you that you would like to see supported?

If you’re a maintainer of any of these projects, please consider applying.