Join the Clojurists Together Committee

By Rachel Magruder

As we near the close of our first year at Clojurists Together, we are opening up elections for new committee positions. As part of our commitment to transparency and community governance, Clojurists Together holds annual elections. The Committee is responsible for governing the projects, selecting which projects are sponsored, administering the projects, and interacting with sponsors. This year, we had seven committee members:

Committee members are elected for a two-year term. Of the seven original committee members, four will stay on for the second year of a two-year term (Maria Geller, Daniel Solano Gómez, Larry Staton Jr, and Daniel Compton). The other three members will step down this year to create a staggered board.

If you are interested in standing for election, please fill out this form by midnight end-of-day November 14, 2018 Pacific Time. If you can’t access the form, contact us, and we can accept your nomination by email. Nominations are open to anyone, you don’t have to be a Clojurists Together member to stand for election. You also don’t have to have lots of experience with Clojure to apply. We want a committee made up of a cross-section of the Clojure community so that we have a wide range of perspectives when making decisions on which projects to fund.

The main responsibilities of a committee member are:

These responsibilities take roughly one hour/month, though there are peaks and troughs of activity as we go through our quarterly funding cycle. If you have more time to offer, there are lots more things that need developing, automating, designing, e.t.c. It would be great to have you help out with those things, but we don’t want to exclude people from standing because they don’t have a lot of spare time.

Our non-profit home requires that we do not have more than two committee members from any one company. More than two people from a company can stand for election, but if more than two of these people were to be elected, only the top two ranked candidates would be elected and the other seats would go to the next most highly ranked candidates from other companies. If I you have any questions about this, please get in touch.

Elections will be held once the candidates are announced, and all Clojurists Together members will be eligible to vote.

Please share this with anyone you think would be able to represent the interests of the Clojure community and Clojurists Together members. Thanks for your support of Clojurists Together, we appreciate it!